Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Car Auctions On Saturday In Ohio Can I Get A Good Deal At A Car Auction?

Can I get a good deal at a car auction? - car auctions on saturday in ohio

In Columbus, Ohio, is an auction of vehicles on Saturday. It is open to the public. I am looking for a vehicle, and I heard that this is the best place to go is the value of my money. Is it worth going to an auction? I live 2 hours from Columbus. Want to see not only in order that I get a better deal on craigslist or can find something. Basically asking if anyone has ever had access to an auction for the public.


CarMan said...

Yes, you can find bargains at auction, but it takes a few opportunities where you can inspect the car (if) you arrive early and even start, but can not handle.

Car dealers, such auctions for the purchase of several vehicles, it's a lemon and may from time to time can make. But only if you buy a car, take your chances.

There is a catch in the auction. This means that there will be other people looking for bargains. These people have bid against him, bring down prices. And he must know when to stop you need, when you do not pay too much.

shortmam... said...

You can get a good car or a lemon in an auction to use his process to hear us and run backwards to see how it works. You'll probably save money and set a few things that you normally do, if you are a public auction.

shortmam... said...

You can get a good car or a lemon in an auction to use his process to hear us and run backwards to see how it works. You'll probably save money and set a few things that you normally do, if you are a public auction.

trckrboy said...

We will from time to time, but you'll find what you are looking for and price ranges in cost whhat types of vehicles before you go

dreamwea... said...

Yes, I was at a public auction. Matter a fact that has the same Senerio here I am only half an hour to be treated once a month, but the chances are anywho get a better deal in the auction, while cars are inspected and are as they are, and usually the auction will be very fast, so you should be on guard, sell when you see what you want. We have a website, usually a preview of the auction if theres any way to get there, do you justify 2 hours ride, but will be surprised at what some of these vehicles!

mohsin p said...

If you receive generally good business, car auction that some of the vehicles seized by the owners for not paying tax or transportation, so that only hav eto pay taxes and the balance to them. to bring low-cost car in better shape.

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