Friday, December 11, 2009

Example Of Seating Chart Is Being This Openly Cruel And Rude To Others (see My Example) A Product Of Our Culture?

Is being this openly cruel and rude to others (see my example) a product of our culture? - example of seating chart

Recently I had a check in the night in a large auditorium. It was a seating arrangement and had a table with the Scantron with numbers assigned to this theme.

Many people were late and had difficulty in their place at this point because some people already started for most of Scantron numbered among our test and scratch paper. In general, this type of test situation, the real test is upside down and not restart until all have found their place. But in this case it was completely disorganized and the teacher and the TA is not helpful.

A person who has not yet found their testimony was the girl who was mad a little. I walked the corridors of persons interviewed, whether they had seen their numbers. (He had an accent that it is a bit difficult to understand.) Is in the room and asked the technical support again to find and said he was wasting his time.

Then this girl (blonde, sorority-type laugh) with her is in a very shabby asthe funniest thing what they can not find the proof. The other girls, or do not hear or ignored him.

There are students of all ages in the class, but above all new students and second year of study, so I thought this girl was maybe a little immature. But do not laugh at the misfortune of others in this way typically finish high school? I wondered if they laugh when someone trips and falls.

It's just a product of our culture? They write e-mails of anger and regret it later. The anonymity of the chat gives you the freedom, things that can not be said to tell someone's face. The media makes fun of celebrities and an eating disorder. Do you think that by and by, where some think it is okay to do so in "real life"? Have you ever seen similar behavior?


O new moon said...

Some people have no boundaries for themselves and not feel sorry for that. Which are not in a position to be regretted, but for everybody. happens in every culture, every race, every religion, every country, town, village, town ... but it seems very common here in the U.S.
really great people with a sense of cruel and unusual "humor" in this country. See what we've been brought up in ... The Simpsons show children are an excellent example, Bart and Lisa are the Central American Common guys who are just the cartoon Itchy & Scratchy mutually sadomasochistic love. our beloved Tom and Jerry, Roadrunner and Wylie Cyota, Bugs Bunny, they get all the pleasure in someone elses pain one way or another. This is what many people have been raised about, is not only the generation of the university that their parents also. those who have raised. rooted as we treat others who are affected in our decisions (case is inevitable and is part of our human nature, but we also have reason and compassion, if trand very difficult)
is sad.
I spent some time in New Zealand. Dear people. not show much, but the generosity and unique, comfortable, with good gestures towards each other and gentle in his conduct. is difficult here, we call achother FAG or hoe as an expression of affection. It was a reverse culture shock to return to the U.S. with our big cars, false smile, actor racist stereotypes (Brotherhood of the girl-guy?), Coercion, shiny rims, stereos and blast ...

sylvianc... said...

The education of a person, the shape of what they are, helps. If a person was raised to be respectful for people who tend to a lack of respect for other habit. What's wrong, but if anyone is to remain in check simply bad and cruel to others, until they are adults.

sylvianc... said...

The education of a person, the shape of what they are, helps. If a person was raised to be respectful for people who tend to a lack of respect for other habit. What's wrong, but if anyone is to remain in check simply bad and cruel to others, until they are adults.

sylvianc... said...

The education of a person, the shape of what they are, helps. If a person was raised to be respectful for people who tend to a lack of respect for other habit. What's wrong, but if anyone is to remain in check simply bad and cruel to others, until they are adults.

KariMack... said...

Well first of all, it is rude to you as "fair, soroity show-type" to. Knowing that information is not relevant any more for doing the story and released formulaic. And secondly, I laugh a lot when people (stumble and fall, and that is, if not wrong) - another laugh when someone was in danger, as discussed in its history. Finally, I believe that people can assume it is acceptable to act this way to "real life". Many people find a way to "let their feelings and be open and honest about everything. Some people are harder than others, can sometimes make mistakes, but I think our culture is a lot of people in this way.

KariMack... said...

Well first of all, it is rude to you as "fair, soroity show-type" to. Knowing that information is not relevant any more for doing the story and released formulaic. And secondly, I laugh a lot when people (stumble and fall, and that is, if not wrong) - another laugh when someone was in danger, as discussed in its history. Finally, I believe that people can assume it is acceptable to act this way to "real life". Many people find a way to "let their feelings and be open and honest about everything. Some people are harder than others, can sometimes make mistakes, but I think our culture is a lot of people in this way.

my heart goes bang bang boom! =D said...

stfhu told me that lil bitch blonde.
This is our culture .. and f * cking sucks

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